I have a couple words....

stop being gloomy and start being happy, doc.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sunday Dinner in the Salt City....:drum rollllll:

I found something fab-u-lous....This Sunday, Salt City DISHES be there or be square.

And I quote:
"Once a season, we get together on the Northside to share a delicious meal, listen to one another's suggestions for a community-based arts project, and vote on the project that has the most potential. The winner takes home a grant to realize their project - and returns to the following DISHES dinner to tell us about how it went. 100% of the donation goes to support the public art project."

Salt City DISHES debut: January 23, 5:30-8 pm, St. Clare Theater (840 N. Salina Street).
$10-15 sliding scale.
Craft Chemistry (N. Salina Street next to Biscotti's. Handcrafts galore.)
2nd Story Cafe & Bookstore (Westcott Street, look up! next to Las Delicias Dominican restaurant)
and Sound Garden (just the best lil' record/dvd store ever in Armory Square)
Contact: saltcitydishes@gmail.com

1 comment:

syracusah said...

Aww schnap, boys n girls, tonight's Salt City DISHES is completely sold out and at capacity. If you don't already have tickets, you're in good company. We'll catch the next one (I think it's in May).